Monday, May 25, 2009


Whining about Firefox crashes. Here's one day last week:

Start 0930
1515 - 5 groups, 111 tabs. Pressed page down key; CRASH. Resume successful.
1538 - Hang. RAM usage peaks at 66%, CPU 1 goes to 100%
1541 - Running, very slowly. Resource utilisation still very high
1542 - Hang
1550 - Cache cleared, normal ops resumed
1813 - Hang. RAM goes from 23% to 40%, CPU 1 to 100%
1828 - Memory leak - top shows RAM usage at 55%, but the system is using the swapfile heavily
1845 - Memory leak - RAM 84%. CPU 1 2%
1910 - RAM usage down to 63%, but still crappy
1917 - Memory leak - RAM 80%, CPU 1 3%

Next day:
1110 - Hang. CPU 1 103%, RAM 44.2%
1115 - Hang. Firefox process killed from command line. Fails to launch, "existing process already running" error message. Kill -9 from command line.
1335 - Hang CPU 1 99%, RAM 33%
1337 - Wow; it's recovered to tolerably normal functioning.

I agree 111 tabs is a lot, but you can see why I'm pissed off.

1 comment:

NotRichard said...

Real men compile their own browsers.

111 tabs is nothing, you should see how many our MD got up to once I demonstrated the power of the middle click.

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