Friday, February 02, 2007

IPCC: First Reaction

Well, I haven't read the IPCC report yet, but I can report that I got my hands on an advance copy of Tim Worstall's reaction to it. Here goes:
Those scientist chappies are awfully clever. But what about this tangential issue? Here's what the MSM isn't telling you: if you make entirely different assumptions that are more favourable to TechCentralStation's funders, you get a much more right-wing result! You won't see that on the euro-fascist BBC!

By the way, the EU should be abolished except for the bits I benefit from.

Update: In comments, GeneralDyer links to his argument on BNPBlog that all climate scientists must be turned into soap. Obviously I don't condone this, but I am going to link to it very publicly and emphatically, nudge nudge wink wink knowwhorraimean.

Come to think of it, this is just a special case of the general Shorter Timmeh:
I say someone says X. But if you assume that all markets are exactly like the perfect competition model you learn in GCSE economics, despite the fact that all post-GCSE economics education is devoted to teaching you that this is not so, I'm right. Aren't I clever?

By the way, the EU should be abolished except for the bits I benefit from. Update: In comments, GeneralDyer links to his argument on BNPBlog that all European civil servants must be turned into soap. Obviously I don't condone this, but I am going to link to it very publicly and emphatically, nudge nudge wink wink knowwhorraimean.
A.J.P. Taylor famously said that Manchester's Free Trade Hall was the only public building in Europe named for an economic principle. When bloggers take over the world, we'll rename the LINX after Dan Davies for inventing the "Shorter".


Anonymous said...

Bugger, sorry, don't know why that comment came up on that account.

Tim Worstall said...

That other comment being referred to (which for some reason hasn't come up) being something along the lines of:
"You've got the rhetorical stance about right there. Fancy guest blogging at my place when I go on holiday?"

Anonymous said...

Thanks Alex, you've just saved me an awful lot of time and frustration.

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